For years, Hawley’s Bingham Park has been an attraction for a number of children’s activities. There are a large number of sporting events held in the park each year from baseball & softball games to Pee Wee football games. Children of all ages come to the park to enjoy what it has to offer. Not only because of sporting events, but also to just PLAY! There are baseball fields, tennis & basketball courts, a skateboard park, and a small playground for the little tikes to enjoy.
In 2014, the CJR Memorial Foundation was able to build a large playground inside Hawley’s Bingham Park. It will serve not only as a memorial to Caleb but also as a gift to the community and surrounding communities who have graciously donated many thousands of dollars helping other families in need. We felt this project was perfect way to give back to the community that has been so supportive of our goals.
The Caleb Joseph Regenski Memorial Playground will be largest of its kind in the area.
The Caleb Joseph Regenski Memorial Playground will accommodate up to 150 children at one time and cater to a variety of children, ages 5-12. This playground will also be handicapped accessible, something that was not provided in the past. The playground itself is made up of almost entirely recycled material making it environmentally friendly. We hope to use Caleb’s Playground as a tool to promote a healthier lifestyle for children and their families. A healthy lifestyle in all aspects! It’s great to be able to watch our children while they play but we as parents sometimes take that for granted. Our goal is to promote this playground as a way for families to be together in a playful atmosphere and for our children to develop basic cognitive and social skills.
Thank You for your support!!

Blue Stone Pavers
Fundraiser & Sponsorship
For your sponsorship, we will engrave your personal message and/or business logo on one 24”x24” paver that will be placed in the walkway around the CJR Memorial Playground. Additional sponsorship levels will also include a park bench that will display your message and/or logo.
Concept to Dedication… This how it all started…
In July of 2012, we applied for a DCED Grant from the state that would cover roughly 80% of the necessary funds required for the project. A grant was awarded in the amount of $225,167 from the Department of Community and Economic Development! We also were awarded additional grants from the Wayne County Redevelopment Authority for $15,000 and the Ronald McDonald House Charities of NEPA for $10,000. With the grants and money raised from events and sales of pavers, we were to begin construction of the playground on September 11th of 2014. On November 1st. of 2014 we dedicated the playground and since then it has been a destination for all local families to enjoy. This playground caterers to children from 5—12 years of age, and is also handicapped accessible. A playground that ALL children in our community will enjoy for many years to come.
We will continue to raise additional funds through sales of Blue Stone Pavers that have been placed throughout the walkway in and around the playground. Additional money raised will go towards maintenance and other improvements to the park. Print out a application from this page and get your paver today!!
We are proud to announce that Caleb’s Memorial Playground at Hawley’s Bingham Park has been completed. A permanent handicap accessible bathroom facility, walkways around the play area and a new toddler play system were all added. Since its dedication on November 1st, 2014 the playground has been a popular attraction for children of many ages. We are extremely happy to see all the children enjoying Caleb’s playground!