CJR Memorial Foundation
CJR Memorial Foundation’s mission is to raise money and awareness on behalf of children who are critically ill. With the help of those who donate, we directly support families who are unable to care for their sick child because they need to prioritize their job to cover bills such as the mortgage or utilities. CJR Memorial Foundation’s goal is to help eliminate a parents time on the clock and help them support their child.
What’s Happening

15th Annual Golf Invitational
Once again, teeing off on hole #10 for every group will be Michael Michaelides! Watch him blast a 400 yard drive down the fairway! Make a donation on his hole and you will have the opportunity to win a $5000 trip to Pebble Beach. All you have to do is sink your next shot from the fairway and get the double eagle. With his drive, it’s equal to playing on a par 3. We are excited to see him in action again this year!

CJR Memorial Playground Sponsorship
We will continue to raise additional funds through sales of Blue Stone Pavers that have been placed throughout the walkway in and around the playground. Additional money raised will go towards maintenance and other improvements to the park.

Most Inspirational Kid Award
CJR Memorial Foundation is celebrating kids who are making a difference in the fight against cancer! We are connecting with kids who are cancer survivors or who were inspired by someone with cancer in their life and have used this experience to help others.